Our paper selected as WILEY Top Downloaded Article

April, 2024
Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd.

Our paper “5,291-ppi OLED display enabled by monolithic integration of C-axis-aligned crystalline IGZO FET and Si CMOS” published in the Journal of the Society for Information Display has been selected as Top 10% most downloaded papers among papers published in issues in 2022. The rankings are made by John Wiley & Sons*, the world-renowned academic publisher.

K. Kato, H. Kobayashi, H. Shishido, T. Isa, T. Aoyama, Y. Jinbo, R. Hodo, K. Kusunoki, H. Kunitake, and S. Yamazaki, “5,291-ppi OLED display enabled by monolithic integration of C-axis-aligned crystalline IGZO FET and Si CMOS,” J. Soc. Inf. Disp., 30(9), 690 (2022).

*John Wiley & Sons is an authoritative academic publisher founded in 1807 in the fields of science, medicine and education. Since the Nobel Prize was established in 1901, about half of the Nobel prize laureates have published books from John Wiley & Sons.

This paper reports OLED display (pixel density: 5,291 ppi) for AR/VR applications. For the first time in the world, we have fabricated an OLED display that monolithically integrates Si CMOS and oxide semiconductor FETs (OSFETs).
The details of this technology.